December 27, 2019

Dear Diary, I am pretty far along in this pregnancy and as the days pass by, my cute little tummy continues to grow. Everyone is all like ooh and aah, but if only they knew the real situation behind it, I wonder if they’re their reaction would be the same… Jordan is still acting FUNNY…

December 23, 2019

Dear Diary, Today was rough: I’m going to start from the beginning… Brandon and I got into a fight, again (what else is new)… But, our fights seem to be getting worse :'( . They’ve been getting more and more physical. Like, today, he grabbed me and choked me; I thought I was going to…

September 1, 2019

BEGIN So many things can be associated with BEGIN, but long story short, let’s say ‘begin’ is the start of everything. Everything in life has a beginning (I’m not here to convert atheists into believers), but even the world had to start somewhere. More importantly than everything starting somewhere, everything has a purpose in the…

July 12, 2019

Kaiden stood in the hotel room and brushed his hair. “Alright now,” he laughed to himself. “These things are being stubborn, but these waves are going to cooperate,” he brushed harder. “You stay in that mirror,” Christina laughed from the other room.“Don’t judge me,” he laughed.Christina rose to her feet and walked to the bathroom…

July 11, 2019

Gary sat on the examination table and watched the second hand go around the clock. He twiddled his fingers and slightly bit his bottom lip. He’d been feeling this pain in his chest and had been having these headaches for a while, but he didn’t talk about it much. Many of the times when he…

July 8, 2019

“Come on, we have to get this packaged and shipped, like yesterday,” Dmitri spoke.He walked around and watched as an employee placed a bag on a small scale.The employee removed the bag and tied a knot and moved it to the side. “John, what the hell are you doing?” he picked up the bag.Dmitri waved…

June 26, 2019

He sat in the dark as he awaited fate. What did it have in store for him? Was he due a miracle, or was it destined that he remained isolated in what he considered to be the desolate wasteland called life? The slow sounds of mellow instrumentals echoed through the room, yet it was so…

June 26, 2019

Kaiden looked in the mirror and wiped it free of the steam from the shower. He had the towel wrapped tightly around his waist and squatted down to get a stick of deodorant from under the sink. As he rose to his feet, he saw Christina standing there with a disgusted look on her face….

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