My assumption is that you've made it to this page in search of a deal on your purchase? Am I correct? 😉 If so, it's fine, that's why I made the page. I'll be keeping this page up-to-date with both valid and expired PUBLIC coupons.

Be sure to click on the links for the coupons and you'll automatically be redirected to your cart or to the store so the coupons can be applied.


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  • BMGCOVID19SHIP - This coupon is automatically applied to the cart. It grants 75% off of the shipping method of your choice.
  • BMGLETGO - This coupon grants 10% off of the paperback edition of Trapped: Letting Go.
  • NOLETGOBMG- This is a bundle coupon. It adds all three books from the Kaiden Green series to your cart. You will get Trapped: Some Stories Are Better Left Untold at regular price, while getting both No Turning Back and Trapped: Letting Go at a 15% discount. *please note, if you remove a book from your cart, you lose the coupon/deal*
  • BMGRICH15 - This is a bundle coupon. It adds all three books from the Richard Young Series to your cart. You will get The Sixth Sense at full price while getting Flirting With Death and Like Father, Like Daughter at a 15% discount.
    *please note, if you remove a book from your cart, you lose the coupon/deal*